Vandaag terug en dit na de langdurige COVID periode een memorabele herdenking te Brussel . “Rememberance Day “ herdenking van alle gesneuvelde vliegers ( vliegeniers) van WO 2 tot heden . Eerst deze morgen op kerkhof van Evere , graf van Georges Nelis en pionier , eerste vlieger van de Belgische Luchtmacht, tevens medestichter Sabena . Begraafplaats en monument van de BAF – Belgische luchtmacht WO 2 , RAF – Britse WO 2 luchtmacht en als laatste en grootse herdenking aan monument van alle gesneuvelde vliegeniers op Jubelpark. Het was na bijna drie jaar fantastisch weerzien van vele mensen . Wings of Memory was uiteraard terug van de partij . Receptie volgde “ Lest we forget “ Tally Ho
Yesterday Wings of Memory went to the Remembrance day of the Belgian Air Force in Brussels. We took an early start the first ceremony being at 09:15 at the Brussels cemetery in Evere ( 1 hr drive ). The ceremony starts at the grave from Nélis G ( considered founder of the Belgian Aviation ). Wings of Memory was named and thanked for helping with the restoration of the grave. Then we went to the Field of Honour of the Belgian Air Force to pay our respect. Paying our respect to the British fallen Airmen at their Field of Honour ended the part at the Cemetery. We then went to the monument for all fallen Air Force personnel at the Jubelpark Brussels. At 11:30 the ceremony started and speeches followed by laying down of the wreaths was done. Wings of Memory laid their wreath wen announced by the speaker. Then the reception was hold in the Air museum part ( War heritage Museum Brussels ). We saw old and new friends. Around 15:00 we drove back home with some friends on their road to home. We stopped at the Komlamour, a tradition we keep, having some beers on our friendship. A long but great day. Lest we forget.